Trend report 2023: ‘Wellbeing & Sustainability’

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'Well-being & Sustainability'

Trend Report 2023 ‘Well-being & Sustainability’

Powered by climate change, the pandemic and the energy crisis, more and more companies are realising that sustainable entrepreneurship is not an option anymore but a must. We have reached a positive point of no return. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set the course that we must follow: put people and the environment centre stage in all your activities and remain relevant tomorrow. And lucrative: after all, the SDGs open up market opportunities for over 11 billion (!) a year.

With this Trend Report, B-Tonic, subsidiary of Baloise, draws a roadmap for companies towards a successful and sustainable future. Trendwatcher Herman Konings brings that future into the present by means of some remarkable internationale tendencies.


Siviglia Berto
Managing Director B-Tonic

“Certain is that the well-being will play a leading role in the sustainable success story of a company. Indicating the importance of that irreversible trend and making it tangible are the reasons for this trend report.”


Herman Konings

“Whichever perspective on the world you have, change within that world starts with you. The more powerful you are, the more chance you have to actually propel the planet towards a better future. Everything starts with personal wellness and in this companies can, no, múst take on an important responsibility.”


Christophe Hamal
CEO of Baloise Belgium

“We keep investing in companies that take on their ecological and social responsibilities. The sustainable added value that we create out of several sources has a positive impact on our employees, our clients, society, the environment, our partners and of course our investors. Now and in the future.”

war for wellbeing b tonic

‘War for well-being’

The World Health Organization defines health as the sum of the ultimate social, mental and physical well-being. That inherently means that you cannot measure an employee’s health exclusively in terms of illness, absenteeism, accidents or disability. For instance, experience shows that the ESG or sustainability policy of a company has a direct impact on employee well-being. The circle is complete: the more sustainable or ESG driven a company or organisation is, the more positive the impact on the well-being of the human (and social) capital is, which in turn fuels the organisation’s growth and success.

In the context of the current ‘war for talent’ sustainability is a critical value for a company or organisation too. And sustainable means among others an eye for your employees’ well-being. Like this, well-being has become a powerful weapon in the war for an appealing employer brand. In other words, behind the front line of the current ‘war for talent’ a true ‘war for well-being’ rages on.

5 SDGs

The change has come. Not only the result (profit) but the way the results come about is becoming just as crucial, if not more crucial. Recent research confirms that among employers the need for ‘wellness as a service’ increases. Especially insurance companies are expected to monitor and optimise the (physical and mental) well-being of their employees and their professional clients pro-actively.

In this second Trend Report of B-Tonic we focus on five SDGs that have a great impact on the well-being of companies and organisations’ employees. After all, a sustainable well-being policy is the driving force behind a higher commitment between entrepreneurs, management and employees. Putting the human being centre stage is crucial to the sustainable health of economy, society and environment. And by extension for the company and organisation as well.


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