Sustainable Development Goals

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The 17 universal goals are supported by 169 subgoals and a multitude of concrete indicators [1] with which the UNSTAT (United Nations Statistics Division) monitors and measures the progress in the achievement of the (sub)goals. Governments get tangible guidelines to align their policies with the SDGs. The challenges are naturally different in each country, but that is no reason to cherry-pick some goals and ignore others. There are no priority goals, only priority actions.

A study commissioned by the Federal Institute for Sustainable Development (FIDO in Dutch) keeps track of the SDG progress in Belgium and indicates important issues[2]. On the website of the Federal Plannign Bureau [3] you can also find the most recent information on our country’s progress. And we are heading into the right direction. With a SDG Index score of 79,7 (in 2000 that was only 73,8), our country takes the 18th place in the ranking of 193 member states of the UN [4].

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