HRcongres 2024: Distinguishing Between hypes and sustainable HR ideas
The world of Human Resources (HR) is evolving rapidly. We are overloaded with information from influencers on platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. But should we really base our HR policy on trends that emerge and disappear quickly?
What about buzzwords such as job satisfaction, the employee experience, and the growth mindset? Are these just temporary hypes, or can they provide valuable insights for sustainable HR practices? An emerging trend that deserves our attention is “People Sustainability.” This trend focuses on creating sustainable HR practices that benefit both the organization and its employees.
“Discover more about these trends at HRCONGRES 2024, where the potential impact of TikTokHR and the emerging trend will be discussed. Here, innovative HR approaches are explored, and insights shared by experts, including Professor Peggy De Prins, a leading authority in the field of Sustainable HRM. She will also discuss the challenges within HR and possible solutions.”
Discover how HR can evolve toward a more sustainable and innovative approach. Are you also coming to HRCONGRES 2024? B-Tonic is ready to shape the future of HR together with us.