The Cronos Groep: a culture where employees are at the center

April 17, 2024


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Place employees at the center of your strategy

Paying attention to sustainable well-being and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) is a theme in which The Cronos Groep is very progressive. Thanks in part to the intense collaboration with Baloise and B-Tonic, they have created significant awareness within the group about the importance of well-being.

B-Tonic assisted Cronos Care (the internal well-being department of The Cronos Groep) in steering its well-being policy in the right direction.‘We have decided to be guided by B-Tonic to shape together with us that major reflection exercise,’Veerle Rovers, Wellbeing Manager at The Cronos Groep, explains. ‘The result was that, in a series of intensive workshops with B-Tonic and together with the Cronos Care Team, we relatively quickly shaped new cross-functional collaborations. We witnessed the emergence of new dynamics, increased transparency. We focused on mapping data so that we can demonstrate a strong evolution from our baseline measurement.’

‘The framework of ESG and CSRD at a certain point makes us aware of the necessity to pause, to reflect on our positioning, on the sustainable well-being strategy’

The importance of the social pillar

Sustainable well-being for employees is now also an incredibly important theme from a legislative perspective. “Due to the new legislation (CSRD), companies are obliged to report on their sustainability efforts. In a sustainability report, the company provides insight into its sustainable well-being strategy and policies, how it implements them, and how it performs on the relevant performance indicators. The Cronos Groep was keenly aware of this and decided to partner with B-Tonic. The actions taken have ‘initiated an awareness about the importance of the social pillar of ESG.

Employees are the key assets

The Cronos Groep is a diverse group active in multiple innovative sectors. With more than 9000 employees, The Cronos Groep knows better than anyone how important human capital is within an organization. They describe this as: ‘Employees are the key assets.’ A well-being policy focused on the 4 dimensions of well-being (social well-being, financial well-being, physical well-being, and emotional well-being) is therefore crucial to create a sustainable existence within today’s volatile work environment. ‘Because an employee who is motivated and feeling good automatically pushes a company towards success,’ said Siviglia Berto, Managing Director of B-Tonic.

The Cronos Groep undertook a ‘People Sustainability’ journey with B-Tonic to map out all their well-being efforts within their organization. Together, we developed a tailor-made multi-year action plan closely linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


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maartje vanewijk

Annelies Theunissen
People Sustainability Expert

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